**Registration for current Anaconda students will be done through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you do not have a parent portal account or you need help with your account please email

**Click here to access your Parent Portal and begin the registration process. Once logged in select the 3 Lines in the left corner, then "More" . Once you select "More" Anaconda Online Registration will be an option on the bottom of the next Menu. Please use the link to complete the registration and verify and update any information for your student. Existing families with new students to add, use the ADD STUDENT button on the student tab. A new application is not required.


Who can register a student?

Enrolling a student in Anaconda School District must be done by a custodial parent.  A new student cannot be registered by a parent or other relative who does not have legal custody of the child.

What to bring to the School:

  • Proof of Residence   (NEW THIS YEAR  Document can be uploaded in the Online registration)

  • Photo ID (Drivers License)

  • Original or official birth certificate written in English    (NEW THIS YEAR  Document can be uploaded in the Online registration)

  • Custody papers (if applicable)

  • Immunization records   (NEW THIS YEAR  Document can be uploaded in the Online registration)

  • Required Immunizations:   (NEW THIS YEAR  Document can be uploaded in the Online registration)

    • Polio: 3 doses with at least 1 dose after the 4th birthday.

    • DTP/DT/DtaP/Td: 4 doses and one dose must be given after the 4th birthday.

    • Tdap/booster: 1 dose (Prior to entering the 7th grade a pupil must receive a dose of Tdap containing vaccine. This Schedule applies to pupils who have completed the prior 4 doses listed above.)

    • MMR: Dose 1 on or after the first birthday and dose 2 prior to kindergarten entry. A pupil entering any grade from 7 to 12 who has not already received the 2 required doses at kindergarten age must receive the second dose.

    • Varicella: 2 doses prior to entering kindergarten.

The vaccines are available from your private health care provider or the Anaconda Deer Lodge Health Department on an appointment only basis.

If a child has not completed the minimum vaccination series required by Montana Law, a Conditional Attendance Form, No. HES 103-1B should be completed and attached to the Blue immunization Form (HES-101). If the pupil received at least one or more doses of the required vaccine, he/she can conditionally attend until the next dose is due. In order to remain in school the student must continue to receive all remaining doses as specified on the conditional form. If the student fails to complete the immunizations within the time period indicated, he/she must either qualify for or claim an exemption or be excluded immediately from school by the school administrator or the person designee.

The school nurses ask that parents of 5th and 6th graders update their child's immunizations with a Tdap and MMR and have the documentation brought to, mailed, or faxed to your child's present school building.

Medical Exemptions

Parents need to have the back of the blue immunization form (HES 101) completed, and signed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the United States or Canada, (MD or DO) specifying the reason and duration of the medical exemption.

Religious Exemptions

If immunizations are contrary to the religious beliefs of the parent or guardian a claim of exemption on religious grounds must be notarized each year on an affidavit provided by the Department of Public Health and Human Services. Religious Exemption